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July 15, 2024

High On Weed: How Long Will It Last?


Curious about how long a weed high lasts? You’re not alone. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, we can offer some general guidelines to help you navigate your experience.

Weed is packed with over 113 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. Among them, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the star, delivering that famous psychoactive “high.” The effects can linger for up to 10 hours, influenced by several factors:

  • Amount consumed
  • THC content
  • Bodyweight & fat percentage
  • Metabolism
  • Food intake before consumption
  • Overall tolerance

Potency and dosage are key players here. The higher the THC content and the more you consume, the longer the high. But how you consume it also matters. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Edibles: Effects peak around 2 hours and can last up to 24 hours.
  • Dabbing: Effects can last 1-3 hours, but THC concentrate may extend this to an entire day.
  • Smoking/Vaping: Effects peak at 10 minutes and last 1-3 hours, sometimes up to 8 hours.


When Will You Feel the Effects?

The method of consumption also determines how quickly you’ll feel the effects:

  • Eating: Edibles can take 30 to 60 minutes to kick in, sometimes up to 2 hours. Patience is key!
  • Dabbing: This highly concentrated form hits almost immediately.
  • Smoking/Vaping: Effects are felt within 2 to 10 minutes as THC enters the bloodstream through the lungs.

Too High? Here’s How to Come Down Sooner

If you find yourself a bit too elevated, try these tips to come down faster:

  • Take deep breaths
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Consume CBD
  • Nibble on some lemon or make lemonade
  • Chew black peppercorns
  • Snack on pine nuts
  • Take a nap

Want to Prolong the High?

If you’re enjoying the experience and want it to last, consider these tips:

  • Stick with edibles
  • Sip on green or black tea
  • Eat some mangoes
  • Snack on nuts or omega-3 rich foods
  • Enjoy sweet potatoes


What Does a Weed High Feel Like?

The effects of weed can be quite varied but generally include euphoria, relaxation, sleepiness, altered perceptions, and sometimes dry mouth. It can lift your mood, making you feel joyful and elated. Some people feel inspired to create, whether it’s painting, playing music, or writing. Others might delve into deep conversations or introspection.

Remember, the experience is unique to each person and influenced by external factors. Take it slow, start with a low-THC strain, stay hydrated, and have your favorite snacks ready. Enjoy the journey and know that you’re in control! If you need guidance, stop by The Station, where our knowledgeable budtenders can help you find the perfect product to enhance your experience.

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